Taking action to spur new housing across Massachusetts
Read the Baker-Polito Administration’s “Corner Office Connect” update for March 2019.
Baker-Polito Administration re-files Housing Choice bill, to spur new housing development across the state
Late last month, the Baker-Polito Administration filed legislation to further the administration’s Housing Choice Initiative, a bold plan to support the production of 135,000 new housing units by 2025. This bill builds on efforts undertaken last legislative session to deliver necessary, targeted zoning reform to benefit communities pursuing new housing production. The Administration’s goal is to substantially increase new housing, to meet the demands of a booming economy and growing labor force.
Boston Herald: Gov. Charlie Baker’s bill key step to ease housing crisis
Governor, Lt Governor, local leaders celebrate new MBTA station in Mattapan
Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito joined city leaders and neighborhood residents to celebrate the opening of the new Blue Hill Avenue commuter rail station in Mattapan, the newest stop on the Fairmount Commuter Rail Line. “The completion of Blue Hill Avenue Station will provide improved access to economic and educational opportunities for those that reside in communities along the entire Fairmount Line Corridor,” Governor Baker said.
“‘Having folks from the neighborhood who understand the neighborhood is so important.’”
-State Rep. Russell Holmes on the community-focused approach to the Blue Hill Ave project
Read more from the Dorchester Reporter: New Mattapan station hailed as ‘big victory’ for transit equity
Creating career pathways for women in trades
Lt. Governor Polito traveled to Springfield to join educational and local leaders for the Massachusetts Girls in Trade fair at Springfield Technical Community College. The fair spotlights careers in the building and other trades for young women currently in high school. Lt. Governor Polito and Labor & Workforce Development Secretary Rosalin Acosta encouraged attendees to consider nontraditional career paths.
“If you continue down this path of exploration it will lead you to a job that will bring economic security and opportunity to your life as well as an enriching and satisfying career.” -Lt. Governor Karyn Polito
Read more from MassLive.com: From the ground up: Springfield fair encourages girls to join the building trades
Governor & Lt. Governor highlight legislation to allow more tools to keep dangerous individuals off our streets
Recent criminal cases highlight the need for the Baker-Polito Administration’s proposal to give law enforcement and the courts more tools to make crucial determinations about whether or not dangerous individuals should be allowed out on the street.
Lt. Governor Polito joined the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association (MCOPA) as the group announced its endorsement of the dangerousness legislation.
Strengthening laws to combat impaired driving
Governor Baker convened a broad coalition to remind the public about the dangers of illegally driving impaired. The group highlighted the Baker-Polito Administration’s bill to equalize the treatment of marijuana and alcohol under state’s impaired driving laws, and give law enforcement more tools and resources to keep the Commonwealth’s roads safe. The group also drew attention to an innovative partnership between public safety leaders and the cannabis industry to educate users about the impact of driving under the influence of marijuana. The effort will include the distribution of educational material at both recreational and medical cannabis dispensaries across the Commonwealth.
Editorial boards back impaired driving bill: BOSTON HERALD | SALEM NEWS
Health Connector celebrates most successful enrollment ever as MA maintains national leadership in coverage
Governor Baker joined Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders and Health Connector Executive Director Louis Gutierrez to celebrate the Connector’s most successful enrollment period ever, with 282,000 members served. The Baker-Polito Administration’s efforts to turn around operations at the Connector has helped Massachusetts maintain its national leadership in health insurance coverage, with 97% of residents covered.
News in Brief
- Lt. Governor joins Chiefs of Police as group endorses Administration’s dangerousness legislation (GoLocalWorcester)
- Administration awards more grants to help communities boost maritime economies (CapeCod.com)
- Governor renews effort to protect students from sudden college closures and boost financial transparency (Boston Business Journal)
- Road safety initiatives highlighted (Associated Press)