Providing a quality public education for all students
Read the Baker-Polito Administration’s “Corner Office Connect” update for January 2019.
Baker-Polito Administration announces school finance reform initiative to increase funding for districts to invest in a quality education
Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito have announced a proposal to update the school funding formula to provide a quality public education for all students, particularly in school districts with the highest needs, across the Commonwealth.
This initiative will fully fund the Foundation Budget Review Commission recommendations and will make targeted investments for low-income students, minority students, and English Language Learners to help close the achievement gap and support underperforming schools.
When fully implemented, the Foundation Budget will increase by more than $1 billion (in current dollars), resulting in an increase of an estimated $3.3 billion by 2026. This proposal represents the most significant expansion of the Foundation Budget since the formula was adopted in 1993, and is funded using available revenue.
Press Release: Governor Baker Unveils School Finance Proposal to Fully Fund the Foundation Budget Recommendations with FY20 Budget
FY20 BUDGET PROPOSAL: Governor Baker, Lt. Governor Polito Announce New Climate Adaptation Programs, Local Aid Proposals for Fiscal Year 2020
FY20 BUDGET PROPOSAL: Charlie Baker proposes Medicare eligibility expansion for low-income seniors
At Shawsheen Tech, Governor Baker announces nearly $3.3 million to schools to support vocational education
At Shawsheen Regional Technical High School in Billerica, Governor Baker, Education Secretary Peyser, Housing and Economic Development Secretary Kennealy, and Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Acosta announced nearly $3.3 million in Skills Capital Grants to 31 high schools and educational institutions, enabling the schools to acquire the newest technologies to educate students and expand programs. Since 2015, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded more than $52 million in Skills Capital grants, allowing schools to expand their enrollment capacity, adding more than 10,000 additional students.
Press Release: Baker-Polito Administration Awards $3.3 Million in Skills Capital Grants
Lt. Governor Polito at Lowell High School: “We’re in the talent development business”
Lt. Governor Karyn Polito visited Lowell High School to announce $1.2 million in grants across 58 schools promoting STEM education. The funding is a combination of investments by the Baker-Polito Administraiton and the One8 Foundation, and will allow school districts to add more STEM-centered programming through Project Lead the Way. Project Lead the Way is a non-profit promoting STEM education for elementary through high school students by offering teacher training and support for “real-world learning.”
Read more in the Lowell Sun.
Governor Baker re-files bill to protect communities from dangerous individuals
Governor Charlie Baker has re-filed legislation to provide law enforcement and the courts with additional tools to ensure dangerous criminals are held in custody pending trial. “Public safety is a fundamental responsibility of government and in order to fulfill that duty, we must allow local police and district attorneys to effectively deal with people who repeatedly break the law,” said Governor Baker. “Last session we enacted several provisions to ensure that a small lapse in judgment doesn’t ruin a life, and we must now give law enforcement, prosecutors and the courts the tools they need to keep our communities safe.”
Press Release: Governor Baker Re-files Bill to Protect Communities from Dangerous Individuals
BOSTON GLOBE: “There’s no substitute for good timing, and Governor Baker’s refiling of a bill to broaden the state’s laws on pretrial detention for those who pose an immediate danger to the community couldn’t be better.”
Read the Boston Globe’s full editorial in support of Governor Baker’s legislation.
Gov. Baker files legislation to make the Massachusetts roads safer, crack down on impaired driving
Road safety legislation filed by Governor Baker includes common sense proposals to substantially reduce distracted driving, stiffen penalties associated with operating under the influence, improve safety requirements for certain trucks and to begin establishing a regulatory framework for new forms of transportation.
A second proposal includes important changes that will improve how police officers train for detecting the influence of intoxicating substances like marijuana, how they interact with motorists who show signs of impairment, and eventually how these cases are tried in a courtroom
- State House News: Gov. Baker pushing road safety bill
- WHDH/Channel 7: Baker hosts ‘Day of Action’ for road safety