Celebrating Early College success
Read the latest “Corner Office Connect” update from the Baker-Polito Administration.
Celebrating Early College success stories
Governor Baker attended an Early College graduation ceremony at Bunker Hill Community College earlier this month, and announced an expansion of the Early College Initiative by designating new programs at 13 high schools and 8 public colleges across the Commonwealth. Check out the above video to hear success stories from students who participated in the programs.
Through the Early College Initiative, the Baker-Polito Administration has prioritized programs that connect students in high school with college learning opportunities in partnership with local community colleges and state universities. The programs allow students to earn college credits at no cost and gain exposure to higher education while still in high school. The Early College Initiative is enabling thousands of students to earn college credit while still in high school, many from low-income communities and who never considered college to be an option for them.
The administration’s education reform proposal currently before the Legislature would build on the successes of the Early College Initiative and expand these successful programs.
Growing a broad #HousingChoice coalition
The Governor and Lt. Governor continue to advance the administration’s Housing Choice legislation in communities across the Commonwealth. Citing the “crying need” to reform zoning restrictions, The Boston Globe endorsed the legislation this month. And the Governor and Lt. Governor continue to advocate for the bill as they connect with economic leaders in all corners of Massachusetts. Housing was a major topic at a recent economic development planning session on Cape Cod led by Lt. Governor Polito. And at regional chambers of commerce from Gardner to Gloucester, Governor Baker has talked about the need to grow the Commonwealth’s housing stock by reforming zoning.
#ResilientMA: Addressing climate change through mitigation and adaptation
Governor Baker continues to advance the administration’s priorities when it comes to helping communities address the impact of climate change. This month, the governor joined Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Katie Theoharides in testifying before the Joint Committee on Revenue about the administration’s proposal to create a new mechanism for communities to fund climate-adaptive infrastructure projects as they seek to safeguard their residents from the impacts of climate change. The proposal would allow for flexible dollars to be spent on key projects that will mitigate effects of climate change such as storm water run off and erosion to protect public and private property and make our communities more resilient.
The proposal for new infrastructure funding builds on the administration’s continuing commitment to resiliency planning through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program. This month, the administration awarded $12 million in MVP grants to communities across the Commonwealth to either conduct vulnerability planning or implement projects that were advanced as a result of the planning process.
Watch Governor Baker’s and Secretary Theoharides’ testimony:
Building tomorrow’s innovation workforce
The Baker-Polito Administration is working to ensure the Commonwealth’s educational system is positioned to sustain the state’s thriving innovation economy for years to come. This month, Lt. Governor Polito visited Danvers High School to announce a new skills capital grant to equip its classrooms that are used as part of a partnership with Project Lead The Way. Through this partnership, Danvers High students develop hands-on skills that will enable them to thrive in tomorrow’s innovation economy.
Governor Baker, Mayor Walsh attend opening of Martin’s Park on Fort Point Channel
Making the case to hold opioid makers accountable
Massachusetts has engaged in a robust, bipartisan effort to battle the opioid epidemic, and one crucial component of that effort is holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for deceptive tactics. The Baker-Polito Administration’s Department of Public Health collaborated with the Attorney General’s office to provide research and data for a lawsuit against Purdue Pharma for their deceptive tactics in Massachusetts.
In response to an op-ed by the Chairman of Purdue, Governor Baker and Attorney General Healey penned a letter to the editor in the Wall Street Journal outlining the lawsuit and the Commonwealth’s bipartisan response to the opioid crisis.
#MAEconDev: Listening and engaging
Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy have wrapped up a tour of listening sessions in regions across the Commonwealth as part of the Economic Development Planning process. From the Berkshires to Cape Cod, the Lt. Governor and secretary joined with a broad cross-section of economic players to understand the state of our regional economies and what’s necessary to move our economy forward. With the listening sessions completed, the administration will incorporate this feedback into the planning process as it works to develop a new economic development plan later this year.
News in Brief
- Governor, MBTA announced accelerated program to invest in infrastructure (Boston.com)
- Lt. Governor promotes #RESPECTfully campaign with students in Beverly (Salem News)
- Governor visits Springfield to discuss education reform plan (MassLive)
- Administration recognizes outstanding educators (CapeCod.com)